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New monthly book

Thomas More's Utopia is a significant piece of European humanist literature. It narrates a society governed by reason, a kind of ideal society.
         Thomas More's Utopia is a significant piece of European humani ...
2024-09-13 15:01:54
Thai people have long had a way of life closely tied to waterways. Rivers were the primary transportation routes until canals were dug for convenience.
         Thai people have long had a way of life closely tied to waterways. ...
2024-08-30 12:17:46
ducational technology is a field that studies educational methods, encompassing the application of these methods to improve educational efficiency.
         Educational technology is a field that studies educational methods ...
2024-08-23 15:06:58
"Developing Information Systems with Gamification" is a book that presents fundamental concepts and theories of gamification.
         Developing Information Systems with Gamification" is a book t ...
2024-08-09 15:44:57
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