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As depicted in the Tripitaka up to 500 lifetimes.

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03 May 2024 15:07:03

        The ancient narratives preceding the Buddha's enlightenment, Buddhism believed in reincarnation, a belief held not only by Buddhists but also by the Buddha himself, throughout countless eons of existence, the Buddha traversed the cycle of rebirth, which were acts of accumulating merit. As depicted in the Tripitaka up to 500 lifetimes. In each existence, the Buddha incarnated into various castes, such as a beggar, a thief, a merchant, a woman, or an animal and each existence embodied a moral lesson for the Buddha and those around him. Tales, which recount the Buddha's previous lives, are both entertaining and offer Dharma teachings. The Dharma embedded in these stories can always be applied as examples for various life situations. …

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