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Identity of authentic Thai cuisine: persistence and promotion

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03 August 2021 20:13:50

        The researcher aims to study the identity of royal Thai food that still exists and value promotion with marketing communication tools from those who know who are bound with Suan Sunandha Palace.

        It was found that royal Thai food is similar to that of the general Thai people but meticulously re-invented. The containers are decorated neatly and beautifully.

        Which creates the identity of royal Thai food emphasis should be placed on the creation of attributes, benefits, values, and integrated communication (IMC) to promote the identity of royal Thai food.

        Food of Suan Sunandha Palace people that should be preserved is chili paste on the boat. Originated from Suan Sunandha Palace should be promoted to be widely known should also consider the development of chili sauce cooked rice to be one dish that is suitable for the lifestyle of the new generation.

Online issue >>> https://bit.ly/3yxNNb7

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Title: Identity of authentic Thai cuisine: persistence and promotion 

Creator: เกศสิรี ปั้นธุระ 

Classification: ว.จ 641.59593072 ก773ร

 Reserved the hard copy >>> http://www.e-lib.ssru.ac.th:8080/liberty/libraryHome.do

Illustration: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/615445105313582612/