“Cross-platform mobile
application development” The book
content, which focuses on development
and laying the groundwork for becoming a
good application developer with the goal
of designing applications systematically
and correctly, has been supplemented
with examples. With design ideas that
can be implemented until they are
available to users via the Google Play
Store and App Store. Suitable for
students, teachers, and anyone
interested in learning how to develop
mobile applications using a simple
language structure. The development
tools are compatible with lower-end
computers. Can be used to efficiently
develop educational and business work to
the next advanced
level. Read More
>> https://bit.ly/3Sajovn |
Read more
e-book at https://elibrary-ssru.hibrary.me/
- iOS>>https://apple.co/3akL0KU
User Manual https://bit.ly/3t11i2b
Subscription requires only university