Home > News > New monthly book > The book "Recruitment and Selection of Human Resources in the Digital Era" offers principles, concepts, and new practices in the recruitment and selection of human resources in the digital era.
The book "Recruitment and Selection of Human Resources in the Digital Era" offers principles, concepts, and new practices in the recruitment and selection of human resources in the digital era.

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12 March 2024 16:36:28

        Organizations and companies are highly competitive in recruiting and selecting high-quality human resources while current textbooks on human resource management, particularly in the field of recruitment and selection, primarily address recruitment and selection of human resources in a traditional context, this may be incompatible with the digital era, in which advanced technology plays a critical role.

        The book "Recruitment and Selection of Human Resources in the Digital Era" offers principles, concepts, and new practices in the recruitment and selection of human resources in the digital era. The author has compiled knowledge in human resource management, along with case studies from many organizations, to conduct research and arrange it into content that readers can apply in their work.


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