Home > News > New monthly book > "Principles Infographic" is a book that collects the content of infographics you should know from history to create impressive works along with many resources for design ideas.
"Principles Infographic" is a book that collects the content of infographics you should know from history to create impressive works along with many resources for design ideas.

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16 December 2022 10:39:34

        "Principles Infographic" is a book that collects the content of infographics you should know from history to create impressive works along with many resources for design ideas. Including content about infographics in Thailand, history, theory of design, the process of creating, applying and collecting sample ideas with color illustrations. Therefore, it is suitable for those who want to create infographics whether it's students, marketers, graphic designers both beginners and professionals. This makes it easier to understand the details of various tasks...Read more>> https://bit.ly/3Un8kch

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