Home > News > New monthly book > Anyone who thinks differently or makes a mistake may become a victim of the witch hunt movement, which is common in the online social world, as if to extinguish that person from society forever.
Anyone who thinks differently or makes a mistake may become a victim of the witch hunt movement, which is common in the online social world, as if to extinguish that person from society forever.

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19 July 2023 09:47:39

        Anyone who thinks differently or makes a mistake may become a victim of the witch hunt movement, which is common in the online social world, as if to extinguish that person from society forever. It makes no difference what gender that person is, which is terrifying which is terrifying If online social world does not exercise caution when observing.
        “Witch Hunt” It is a book that takes us to Europe and the United States between the 15th and 18th centuries, when the witch hunt occurred. What caused it? Taking consideration to the context of the witch hunt, what is at issue? Sex, religion, science, and many other factors have influenced the driving force of such history and reveals that witch hunts are a "history of wounds" inflicted by humans on humans. …

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