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Money is an important factor in living today. It is a tool to accumulate stability and shows individuals different economic powers in terms of their livelihoods. Therefore, financial management planning is required.

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2022-09-20 11:27:02

        Money is an important factor in living today. It is a tool to accumulate stability and shows individuals different economic powers in terms of their livelihoods. Therefore, financial management planning is required.

        Study for "personal finance" starts with getting to know personal finances, budgets, savings, investments, financial planning for housing and vehicles, expenses, retirement planning, and personal finance management for self-sufficiency. Every lesson has a learning reinforcement, learning assessment form and worksheet. To review knowledge and understanding, and practice practical skills, allowing readers to develop themselves on the basis of the middle path and negligence. This is taking into account moderation, reasonableness, building a good self-immunity and the use of knowledge, prudence, morality, which can be effectively applied in life…Read More>> https://bit.ly/3BODV0o

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