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A development of health literacy performance scales for phathom suksa 6 students in schools under the office of basic education in Bangkok

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24 August 2022 10:59:53

         This research aims to develop and to investigate a health literacy scales for Prathom Suksa 6 students in schools under the office of Basic Education in Bangkok educational service area. Due to develop clear scenarios that population of study would be able to demonstrate their capabilities and characteristics necessary in health decision making for to promote and to maintain good health across the life-course, a critical incident approach was applied to research methodology. Participants of study were Prathom Suksa 6 students, designed into two groups. One was 31 students who were purposive sampling from the school where demonstrated the highest capabilities and characteristics necessary in a health-promoting school (HPS) program that supported by the Department of Health. This group was for gathering critique evidences for designing scenarios and related items with 4 multiple-choice. The other group was consisted of 220 students in 6 schools who were multi-stage random sampled from 37 population schools. They were investigated quality of the designed scales. 

        Results of study The final scales were comprised of 11 critical scenarios with 30 related 4 multiple-choice items. The construct of scales was directly reflecting operational definitions of health literacy performance namely access, understand, assess, utilize, and communicate. The data analysis found that the developed scales can be efficiently used to assess Prathom Suksa 6 students’ health literacy performance. The significant findings were as follows: 1. Discrimination of mean score of a group of participants with the highest achievement and the other with the lowest ones, were analyzed by item through Independent t-test analysis. The finding showed that the mean score of 25 items were difference at .05 significant level. 2. Cronbach’s  coefficients were calculated to examine internal consistency. Scale items were constructed to directly reflect the definition of HL behavior. The internal consistency of access, understand, assess, utilize, and communicative HL performance scale were inadequate to average, however scales in total were rather high (= .7163). 3. the content validity of the scale was investigated by calculating the index of item objective congruence (IOC) and found that it was in the range of 0.67-1.00.

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Title: A development of health literacy performance scales for phathom suksa 6 students in schools under the office of basic education in Bangkok

Creator: สุชีรา มะหิเมือง


Information and Illustration: Weerawan Srisawat