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Research on Karanda ice cream as healthy ancient fruit Thai herbs.

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28 June 2022 16:09:14

        The aim of this research study was to develop recipe of Karanda ice cream as healthy promoting ice cream by high protein, low fat and naturally raw material, which found in local area. The results were found that appropriate condition for Karanda ice cream including incubation period, temperature and frozen time, which were 8-12 hours, -20 to -25 °C and 2-4 hours, respectively. Small fruit variety Karanda should selected only ripe fruits for Karanda ice cream made. Because of unripe fruits were contained resin and need to be air dried for reducing level of resin. Therefore, large fruit variety Karanda can be use both ripe and unripe fruits for Karanda ice cream made by without any astringent and bitter taste. However, small fruit variety Karanda was proper to made ice cream for trade, because occurring of industry to select the ripe fruits and commercially frozen, which be providing for the whole year compared with large variety fruits were rarely, low harvesting amount and short shelf life.

        Karanda ice cream produced from flesh part was attractive but was not accepted by consumers. It may due to resin contained with Karanda pulp, which led to be rough texture of ice cream. We were choose only Karanda juice, which was more appropriated and used Karanda juice with water by 1:1 ratio, because undiluted juice was sour taste. Most acceptance recipe of Karanda ice cream product was 6th recipe by 91% of consumers, which was contained soy protein to made ice cream was delicate and swell, milk powder (little amount) to made ice cream was greasy, corn powder as stabilizer and undiluted coconut milk (little amount) to improve ice cream odor and similar to apricot odor.

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Title: Research on Karanda ice cream as healthy ancient fruit Thai herbs.

Creator: อัมพรศรี พรพิทักษ์ดำรง

Illustration: Weerawan Srisawat