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The development of process technology for diesel production from used fried oil

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29 October 2021 13:36:10

       The development of process technology for diesel production from used fried oil. This is a study to obtain a form of renewable biodiesel production called biodiesel. That can lead to commercial production by using chemical reactions between the molecules of vegetable oil with methanol molecules. Sodium hydroxide as a catalyst called the transesterification reaction. There are two levels of transesterification reaction for the study model. Including the study of biodiesel production patterns at the laboratory level and biodiesel production from biodiesel production models with a capacity of not more than 100 liters per time. In the production of biodiesel at the laboratory level, focusing on the production that is the development of techniques, high productivity model takes a little time. In this research, four types of remaining oil were selected, namely pork fried oil, chicken frying oil, deep-fried dough sticks and mixed used vegetable oil. By comparing it with unused palm oil, it was found that it could lead to commercial production and the biodiesel produced can be used as a substitute for diesel fuel as well.

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Title: The development of process technology for diesel production from used fried oil

Creator: ชัยศรี ธาราสวัสดิ์พิพัฒน์

Classification: ว.จ 662.66072 ช438ร

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