Zhang QU. (2020, July-December),
Factors Influencing Chinese Tourists in
Thailand Towards
UsingThailand’s Restaurant
Recommendation Applications : Journal of
Academic Information and
Technology. 1 (2) :
Language has a positive effect on
Chinese tourists' satisfaction in
using the restaurant recommendation
application. This is because not all
Thai restaurant recommendation apps have
Chinese functions and there are no
restaurant reviews. written in chinese
causing language problems and cannot
access the services of the restaurant
recommendation application Or can't
get enough information, online media
should add more Chinese and should
create an Application Program in Chinese
for Chinese tourists to travel in
Thailand by themselves more
Brand Familiarity
Affects the satisfaction of using the
restaurant recommendation application of
Chinese tourists. This is because they
are not familiar with the Thai
application for restaurant
recommendations. Maybe because I
don't know and don't remember
the name of the Thai application for
restaurant recommendations.
User Reviews Affects the satisfaction of
using a Thai application for restaurant
recommendations of Chinese tourists.
Because the review recommends the
experience of using the Thai application
for restaurant recommendations. can
enable them to make informed decisions
about the application And because the
application usage reviews are very
different. Each person's
expectations for the application will
vary. When each review reader tried it.
The satisfaction with the use of each
person is different.
Satisfaction affects the
behavior of choosing a restaurant
recommendation application of Chinese
tourists. Most of them are very
satisfied with the service. Intend to
continue using it and would be happy to
recommend this service. continue to
others Psychological benefits, comfort
and enjoyment It plays an important role
in creating customer satisfaction and
deciding whether to use or reject the
product. If the user is comfortable
Enjoyment and good feeling of use. So
welcome to use the mobile food ordering
application in the