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Students who will register for graduates, Please check the following information:

ผู้ดูแลเว็บ admin
21 July 2021 11:21:53

- Return all books to the library? 

- Still have overdue fine at the library? 

        If there are concern, please call 081-5565362 

        ** Students will not be able to register for graduates. If there is a arrears of books or fines. 

Check at https://bit.ly/3wTFi8q   

         Login by Username and password that students apply for membership in the library ( forgot your password please call 081-556-5362) 

For more information

FACEBOOK  : m.me/ssru.library

LINE : https://lin.ee/iVy3Ln9

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/LibrarySsru

E-mail : library@ssru.ac.th

โทร. 02-1601246